Application object type


The Application object type has the following properties:

id (string)
A string containing the canonical identifier that can be used to identify this application in URLs.
name (string)
The name of the application as provided by its developer.
oauthAccessTokenUrl (string)
The URL of the OAuth access token endpoint for this application.
oauthAuthorizationUrl (string)
The URL to send the user's browser to for the user authorization step.
oauthIdentificationUrl (string)
The URL to send the user's browser to in order to identify who is logged in (that is, the "sign in" link).
oauthRequestTokenUrl (string)
The URL of the OAuth request token endpoint for this application.
objectType (string)
The keyword identifying the type of object this is. For an Application object, objectType will be Application.
objectTypes (set<string>)
(Deprecated) The object types for this object. This set will contain the string,2009:Application for an Application object.
sessionSyncScriptUrl (string)
The URL of the session sync script.
signoutUrl (string)
The URL to send the user's browser to in order to sign them out of TypePad.
urlId (string)
A string containing the canonical identifier that can be used to identify this object in URLs. This can be used to recognise where the same user is returned in response to different requests, and as a mapping key for an application's local data store.
userFlyoutsScriptUrl (string)
The URL of a script to embed to enable the user flyouts functionality.